Physical Church Address
32467 Church St., Rockwood, MI 48173 Mailing Address 32477 Church St., Rockwood, MI 48173 Ph 734 379 9248 Fx 734 379 6548 [email protected] |
Mass Schedule Daily Mass 8:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Additional Mass at 6:30 p.m. on First Friday Weekend Schedule 4:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Confession 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. First Friday Adoration Thursday 9:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. First Friday to First Saturday 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-4 Wednesday 9-12 Additional hours by appointment Mass times and locations when away from Home Are you traveling on a weekend or Holy Day? Find a Mass where you will be at |
" Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
St. John Eudes would pray these words at the offertory when he attended Mass:
“Unite me to Yourself, O good Jesus, draw me into Your sacrifice, so that I may be sacrificed with You and by You… Consume me entirely in the sacred fire of Your divine love, and grant that hereafter my whole life may be a continual sacrifice of praise, glory and love for Your Father and for You.” “You must propagate veneration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with all your might, for the devotion to the Holy Eucharist is the queen of all devotions.” Pope Benedict XV “It is our duty to adore the Blessed Sacrament. No one receives the Blessed Sacrament unless he adores it…and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring.” St. Augustine “Each time you approach the Blessed Sacrament remember that Jesus has been waiting for you for twenty centuries for this personal visit from you.” St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei |
CSA 2024
Thank you to the 190 parish families who have pledged a total of $97,000 We have exceeded our goal!
All funds contributed to CSA for through April 2025 are returned directly to the parish and do not get assessed or impact next years goal. Thank you for your generous support of St. Mary Parish!
All funds contributed to CSA for through April 2025 are returned directly to the parish and do not get assessed or impact next years goal. Thank you for your generous support of St. Mary Parish!
The Regular Joe Men's Prayer group
CALLING ALL MEN… You are invited to the attend the Regular Joe Men’s Prayer Breakfast gatherings twice a month on each second and fourth Thursdays at 5:45 am until 7:00 am. The prayer breakfast is an opportunity to learn, strengthen, share, and take responsibility for our faith in a comfortable non-formal environment. The objective is to make us better men, leaders, husbands, fathers, and disciples of Jesus Christ. The meeting will be in the St Mary of the Annunciation school hall/cafeteria. This meeting is an excellent opportunity to get started on transformation for the Lord. Registration is not necessary. A light breakfast will be available. If you have questions, please contact us: Pat Szymanski 734-755-7150 [email protected] or Joe Rutkowski 734-560-6722 [email protected]
Flame of Love

Please join us Mondays in church for prayer starting at approximately 9:30 a.m. for prayers of devotion to the Flame of Love.
Our Lady Promises:
"By my Flame of Love, a new era of grace, never before known on the earth, will begin."
"With this Flame you will light all the hearts in the world. This flame will become a fire, and with its shining light this fire will blind Satan."
Our Lady Promises:
"By my Flame of Love, a new era of grace, never before known on the earth, will begin."
"With this Flame you will light all the hearts in the world. This flame will become a fire, and with its shining light this fire will blind Satan."
Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life

A Prayer for Priests
Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine-
Thy priests whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.
Keep them, for they are in the world,
Though from the world apart;
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure,
Shelter them in Thy heart.
Keep them, and comfort them in hours of loneliness and pain,
When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seems but in vain.
Keep them, and O remember, Lord,
They have no one but Thee,
Yet they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.
Keep them as spotless as the Host,
That daily they caress;
Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.
Imprimatur: D.Card. Dougherty, Arch. Of
Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine-
Thy priests whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.
Keep them, for they are in the world,
Though from the world apart;
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure,
Shelter them in Thy heart.
Keep them, and comfort them in hours of loneliness and pain,
When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seems but in vain.
Keep them, and O remember, Lord,
They have no one but Thee,
Yet they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.
Keep them as spotless as the Host,
That daily they caress;
Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.
Imprimatur: D.Card. Dougherty, Arch. Of
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursday's 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
First Friday following 7:00 p.m. Mass until 8:30 a.m. First Saturday.
If they are not consecutive adoration will end at midnight on First Friday

The most powerful thing we can do on this earth with our time is to spend it in Eucharistic adoration. Nothing can do more to change the world, to bring about peace, to convert hearts, to make reparation for the many evils committed. Spending time in prayer may seem, on the outside, to be a passive thing; however, it is anything but! Our world is in desperate need of hope, of renewal, of a ‘turning back’ to the things of God. By visiting Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we take up the best weapon for the battles of our age and contribute to the healing of our culture. Cultivating a Eucharistic life of adoration also bears tremendous fruit in our own hearts and lives. We cannot spend time in the rays of His Eucharistic Presence without receiving His grace, His love, His mercy, His peace. As we gaze upon Him Face to face, we are transformed little by little into a closer reflection of His divine image.”
—Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
—Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
If you're not on flocknote you should be! You can sign up to get text alerts or email notifications to changes in Mass schedules or other parish events.
Text Rockwood to 84576 to join.
(Standard message rates will apply)
Call the parish office with any questions.
Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
Are you called to the priesthood?
The Archdiocese of Detroit Office of Priestly Vocations offers resources for any young men discerning the priesthood. Our new website has information on applying to seminary, frequently asked questions, and how to get in touch with the vocation director. Learn more at |
St Vincent de Paul-Help us Help Others!

The St. Mary Conference of St. Vincent DePaul would like to thank you for your support over these last 10 years. We have made many lifelong friends, memories, helped countless families and sadly lost some wonderful friends.
We thought you would appreciate hearing what we do with your donations. We visited 19 “Friends” this year. The majority of them were in need of rent or utilities; but we provided beds, clothing, food, and even a hot water heater. Utilizing the St. Mary Clothing Closet we gave them the clothing they needed.
In the month of December alone, through your generous donations, the Society of St. Vincent DePaul, at St. Mary’s, brought the spirit of Christmas to those suffering and in need. Assisting families, with household bills, providing food, Christmas gift cards, warm coat, gloves, and shoes, and a mattress. We
are grateful for your generosity, so we are able to help those in need in our own area. Thank you.
St. Vincent’s uses “Twinning” to extend our generosity and kindness. For example, a Conference has a request for $1,000 for rent and only have $500. They ask the other Conferences if they can help with the other $500. We have assisted many other Conferences by “Twinning”, and they in turn twin with us. A very effective way to help.
It seems like an apparent thing to say, you will always have the poor, but who are they and why are they poor? As a volunteer for St. Vincent DePaul I have come to better understand “poor”. For many of us we are only one paycheck away from being “poor”. Sometimes circumstances make us or keep us poor. That is when St. Vincent’s can help. It is so rewarding to see a family be able to stay in their home. To see children run to their new bed. To see the face of a mom when we have provided the means to heat their home. So many wonderful things happen to OUR hearts when we help the poor If you are interested in becoming a Vincentian please join us the next meeting, Thursday, January 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the school. We provide on-the-job learning about the various ways we can help. It’s not hard (I can do it!), but it sure is rewarding.
You can do hands on help, review client information to determine the best course of action for them, or be an Associate Member and pray for us. You can be as involved as you are able…no dues, no mandatory meetings, just a desire to help a child of God. You can reach us at 734 277-5620.
“Our business is to attain heaven; everything else is a sheer waste of time” St. Vincent DePaul
We thought you would appreciate hearing what we do with your donations. We visited 19 “Friends” this year. The majority of them were in need of rent or utilities; but we provided beds, clothing, food, and even a hot water heater. Utilizing the St. Mary Clothing Closet we gave them the clothing they needed.
In the month of December alone, through your generous donations, the Society of St. Vincent DePaul, at St. Mary’s, brought the spirit of Christmas to those suffering and in need. Assisting families, with household bills, providing food, Christmas gift cards, warm coat, gloves, and shoes, and a mattress. We
are grateful for your generosity, so we are able to help those in need in our own area. Thank you.
St. Vincent’s uses “Twinning” to extend our generosity and kindness. For example, a Conference has a request for $1,000 for rent and only have $500. They ask the other Conferences if they can help with the other $500. We have assisted many other Conferences by “Twinning”, and they in turn twin with us. A very effective way to help.
It seems like an apparent thing to say, you will always have the poor, but who are they and why are they poor? As a volunteer for St. Vincent DePaul I have come to better understand “poor”. For many of us we are only one paycheck away from being “poor”. Sometimes circumstances make us or keep us poor. That is when St. Vincent’s can help. It is so rewarding to see a family be able to stay in their home. To see children run to their new bed. To see the face of a mom when we have provided the means to heat their home. So many wonderful things happen to OUR hearts when we help the poor If you are interested in becoming a Vincentian please join us the next meeting, Thursday, January 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the school. We provide on-the-job learning about the various ways we can help. It’s not hard (I can do it!), but it sure is rewarding.
You can do hands on help, review client information to determine the best course of action for them, or be an Associate Member and pray for us. You can be as involved as you are able…no dues, no mandatory meetings, just a desire to help a child of God. You can reach us at 734 277-5620.
“Our business is to attain heaven; everything else is a sheer waste of time” St. Vincent DePaul
Are you interested in joining the Parish
Why should you join the parish? If you want to get married, have a child baptized, be a godparent or confirmation sponsor you need to show you are attending Mass. The only way we can determine if you are here is if you drop an envelope in the basket. It's fine if the envelope is empty, it tells us you are here and that is what's important. Our faith calls us to attend Sunday and Holy Day Mass and to regularly receive the sacraments of Eucharist and reconciliation. You can complete the form below and return to the parish office via the collection basket, mail or email. Use the envelopes in the pews, or one from home, with your name and address until your individual envelopes come to let us know you are here on Sunday. Please understand it's about your attendance at Mass, not what may or may not be in the envelope!

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Prayer of Preparation before Mass
If you are not currently able to join us at Mass send your Holy Angels!
O holy Angel, at my side, Go to the church for me, Kneel in my place, at holy Mass, Where I desire to be. At Offertory, in my stead, Take all I am and own, And place it as a sacrifice Upon the Altar Throne. At holy Consecration’s bell, Adore with Seraph’s love, My Jesus, hidden in the Host, Come down from heaven above. And when the priest communion takes, Oh, bring my Lord to me, That His sweet Heart may rest on mine, And I His temple be. |
Giving Basket Food Pantry
Clothing Closet: First and Third Saturday from 10 to Noon
North end of the school building, enter from parking lot on Burton St. Donations of clean clothing accepted at this time also. |
Offering and other Donations
Eucharistic Adoration
The church is open daily and Our Lord is fully present in the tabernacle.
We are blessed to adore Our Lord in his Eucharistic Presence on
Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
and when First Friday and Saturday are consecutive
from First Friday following the 7:00 p.m. Mass until 8:30 a.m. Saturday
We are blessed to adore Our Lord in his Eucharistic Presence on
Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
and when First Friday and Saturday are consecutive
from First Friday following the 7:00 p.m. Mass until 8:30 a.m. Saturday
Reporting Sexual Abuse
To inform the Archdiocese of Detroit regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons, and other church personnel and/or to speak to the Victim Assistance Coordinator, contact 866-343-8055. A caller will be requested to provide his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding complaints of sexual abuse will be returned in a timely manner. This toll–free telephone number has been established as part of an effort by the Detroit archdiocese to protect children, young people, and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes, and ministries. This line is for reporting suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse within archdiocesan institutions and ministries only. Persons with complaints not involving clergy or church personnel should refer to the archdiocesan web site at for contact information for civil authorities.
The Gloria in Latin-including the words!
As we are learning the Latin Gloria you may find this youtube video helpful-it is sung a capella and the words are on the screen to follow along. Be patient with yourself as we learn this beautiful version of this prayer. It will all come together soon and enhance our worship of Our Lord!
Consecration of Families to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary

The First Friday/First Saturday Communion of Reparation with its basic elements of Rosary, Eucharist, Confession and Holy Hours of Adoration is a simple yet powerful means of bringing back sanctity in the home, in the Church, and in society. More than a devotion IT IS A WAY OF LIFE that is truly Eucharistic –centered and Marian in spirituality- two pillars of hope which we can anchor ourselves onto in these troubled times. Prayer and Reparation are the spiritual weapons which the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary give us today to win in this spiritual battle.
If you have not had your family consecrated to the Two Hearts please consider this important act. The consecration will include going through the house with excised water and salt as we pray the rosary and a few additional prayers. It generally takes about an hour for a lifetime of benefits. This is more than a house blessing, rather it is a consecration of families, which includes extended family no longer living in the home, to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. For more information or to schedule you family consecration please call Betty at 734 671 1987.