The Catholic Church offers a rich prayer life with many different styles of prayer to meet the different spiritual needs of parishioners. The rosary is a prayer of the church given to us by St. Dominic in 1221. At St. Mary the rosary is generally prayed a half hour before each Mass. We as Catholics also pray to the many saints of the Catholic church as we ask for their intercession. Some prayers we use at St. Mary can be found in the prayer book link below.
Litany of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
S. DB can be printed. Maximino Obis, Tit. of Derbe.
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us , Christ filled with Grace hear us
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us
1. Sacred Wounds, who hold divine justice irritated by our sins.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
2. Sacred Wounds, which are ever before the Divine Majesty to satisfy for us.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
3. Sacred Wounds, through which our Heavenly Father looks at us with tenderness, love and mercy.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
4. Sacred wounds, which cry out from the tabernacles constantly as on Calvary, "Father forgive them , for they do not know what they do"
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
5. Sacred Wounds, divine hosts that manifest to the Heavenly Father how much they love sinners.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
6. Sacred Wounds, scars of love always open to receive souls.
R. Plunge us into them, oh Jesus.
7. Sacred Wounds, springs of grace which purify and sanctify our souls.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
8. Sacred Wounds, glowing luminaries dispelling the darkness of our ignorance.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
9. Sacred Wounds, springs of living water that mitigate the thirst of our souls who walk through the arid desert of life.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
10. Sacred Wounds, forming the complacencies of the Most Holy Trinity, very deep concavities of love which give ecstasies for the Blessed Virgin, the angels and the saints.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
11. Sacred Wounds, lilies purity which spring a divine liquor that begets virgins.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
12. Sacred wounds, from which flow streams of precious blood and fertilize and make the holy church grow.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
13. Sacred Wounds, light torches and divine graces where his holiness and shepherds take what they need for souls.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
14. Sacred Wounds, mansions of delights where just souls live safe and peaceful.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
15. Sacred Wounds, comfort and strength of those who suffer.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
16. Sacred Wounds, where troubled and guilty souls find forgiveness.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
17. Sacred Wounds, lifeguard safety ridding us from the storms of life and leading us to the port of glory.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
18. Sacred Wounds, whose precious merits applied to the Holy Souls in purgatory relieve their torment and deliver them by the thousands.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
19. Sacred Wounds, where distils a smooth balm that falling drop by drop over the Holy Souls of Purgatory heal their wounds.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
20. Sacred Wounds, very precious coins of infinite value with which are rescued souls from purgatory.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
21. Sacred Wounds, beacons of eternal light radiating in the dungeons of Purgatory and enlightening souls in the hope of soon reaching the beatific vision.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
22. Sacred Wounds, precious jewels that the holy souls in Purgatory yearn to contemplate in glory.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds forgive us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us , Christ filled with Grace hear us
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us
1. Sacred Wounds, who hold divine justice irritated by our sins.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
2. Sacred Wounds, which are ever before the Divine Majesty to satisfy for us.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
3. Sacred Wounds, through which our Heavenly Father looks at us with tenderness, love and mercy.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
4. Sacred wounds, which cry out from the tabernacles constantly as on Calvary, "Father forgive them , for they do not know what they do"
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
5. Sacred Wounds, divine hosts that manifest to the Heavenly Father how much they love sinners.
R. Forgive us through them, Lord.
6. Sacred Wounds, scars of love always open to receive souls.
R. Plunge us into them, oh Jesus.
7. Sacred Wounds, springs of grace which purify and sanctify our souls.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
8. Sacred Wounds, glowing luminaries dispelling the darkness of our ignorance.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
9. Sacred Wounds, springs of living water that mitigate the thirst of our souls who walk through the arid desert of life.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
10. Sacred Wounds, forming the complacencies of the Most Holy Trinity, very deep concavities of love which give ecstasies for the Blessed Virgin, the angels and the saints.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
11. Sacred Wounds, lilies purity which spring a divine liquor that begets virgins.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
12. Sacred wounds, from which flow streams of precious blood and fertilize and make the holy church grow.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
13. Sacred Wounds, light torches and divine graces where his holiness and shepherds take what they need for souls.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
14. Sacred Wounds, mansions of delights where just souls live safe and peaceful.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
15. Sacred Wounds, comfort and strength of those who suffer.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
16. Sacred Wounds, where troubled and guilty souls find forgiveness.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
17. Sacred Wounds, lifeguard safety ridding us from the storms of life and leading us to the port of glory.
R. Plunge us into in them, oh Jesus.
18. Sacred Wounds, whose precious merits applied to the Holy Souls in purgatory relieve their torment and deliver them by the thousands.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
19. Sacred Wounds, where distils a smooth balm that falling drop by drop over the Holy Souls of Purgatory heal their wounds.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
20. Sacred Wounds, very precious coins of infinite value with which are rescued souls from purgatory.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
21. Sacred Wounds, beacons of eternal light radiating in the dungeons of Purgatory and enlightening souls in the hope of soon reaching the beatific vision.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
22. Sacred Wounds, precious jewels that the holy souls in Purgatory yearn to contemplate in glory.
R. Through them, forgive them Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds forgive us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
R. By your holy wounds have mercy on us.